The Crusade: Amidst the Ashes Mission Pack from Games Workshop is filled to the brim with fun yet challenging Stratagems, Agendas, Requisitions and so much more for the Warhammer 40,000 Crusade Campaign game style. Crusades work by starting off from scratch with a small weak army and building it up throughout the campaign using resources and experience to grow it into a mighty and formidable unit. Over the duration of the campaign, your Crusade will carve its own history, earning enmities and winning glory with each victory or defeat. Amidst the Ashes contains options to enhance your vehicles, 24 exciting missions for you to enjoy as well as the Stratagems, Requisitions and Agendas mentioned before, making this book the perfect addition for any Crusades forces.
Inside this 112-page mission pack, you'll find:
Six missions each for Combat Patrol-, Incursion-, Strike Force- and Onslaught-sized games, all set within the war-torn Charadon Sector
A selection of new Amidst the Ashes Agendas, Requisitions, Stratagems, and more
The basic rules for Warhammer 40,000 - designed to be quickly referenced during your games
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