Games Workshop

Warcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz

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  • Regular price £31.00

Can you hear it calling? The whispers in the night... Join us... Join me! That's the voice of Archaon, beckoning you to the Varanspire, you are going to go, aren't you!

In this high paced skirmish game from Games Workshop you will be pitting together two teams from the Age of Sigmar as although this is a standalone game it is set within the Age of Sigmar universe. Warcry has been made to be fast, action-packed and above all, a complete blood bath! Everyone in the battle is fighting for the chance to be noticed by one of the most powerful warlords in the mortal realms, Archaon as the approval of him is like being royalty in the Age of Sigmar.

The Gnarlwood are home to monstrous flora and fauna and are the perfect hunting grounds for the Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz. Wielding jagged weapons and employing tamed Gnarlwood Howlaz, this group executes dangerous creatures and opposition warbands with with brutal and cunning tactics.


8x Miniatures
1x Beastnob
1x Bawla Boy (can be armed with a stabba or a flogga
1x Klutcha-grot
2x Neckslicers (can be armed with a bonehakka or a beaststikka harpoon
1x Neckslicer (who can be armed with a smasha beaststikka harpoon
2x Gnarlwood Howlaz
1x Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz Abilities Card
8x Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz Fighter Cards
2x Warcry Wound Dividers Cards
1x 40mm Citadel Round Base
1x 28.5mm Citadel Round base
6x 32mm Citadel Round bases


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