Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a fantasy-themed miniature game produced by Games Workshop based in the popular Warhammer universe. Set in the third great age of the Mortal Realms, eight planes of reality where magic is abundant in the cosmos, none live here who have not felt the touch of battle and blood.
Chaos, Order, Death, and Destruction - all factions hold ancient associations to one of the Grand Alliances, this is not to say that they will play nice with each other. What faction will you choose? From Aelves, to Duardin, all the way through to Rotbringers, there is something to really sink your metaphorical teeth into.
The Skaven are a malevolent and diabolical race of large, intelligent, humanoid rats. To a Skaven, there is no such thing as pity, remorse, compassion, or cooperation. There is simply survival, survival in a turbulent society that only spares those that possess the brute strength, extreme cunning, and the vicious instinct to outmanoeuvre and kill the opposition, no matter the cost or the body count of either friend or foe.
6x 12ml Paint Pots
1x Khorne Red
1x Rakarth Flesh
1x Steel Legion Drab
1x Leadbelcher
1x Arax Earthshade
1x Astrogranite
5x Skaven Clanrats
5x 25mm Citadel Round Hex Hole Bases
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