Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a fantasy-themed miniature game produced by Games Workshop based in the popular Warhammer universe. Set in the third great age of the Mortal Realms, eight planes of reality where magic is abundant in the cosmos, none live here who have not felt the touch of battle and blood.
Chaos, Order, Death, and Destruction - all factions hold ancient associations to one of the Grand Alliances, this is not to say that they will play nice with each other. What faction will you choose? From Aelves, to Duardin, all the way through to Rotbringers, there is something to really sink your metaphorical teeth into.
Begin your games of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar with the Introductory Set. Begin your journey into the Mortal Realms with the perfect set for those beginning their miniature hobby. Contained within this set are five Stormcast Eternals and 20 Skaven Clanrats, all eager to beat the opposing group in battle, also included in this set is a set of six paint and a starter paint brush to get those miniatures battle-ready. This set includes gameplay tutorials showing you how to use the included playing mat, range ruler and six dice.
25x Miniatures:
5x Stormcast Eternals
20x Skaven Clanrats
6x Paint Pots
1x Starter Brush
1x Handbook
1x Gaming Mat
1x Range Ruler
6x D6 Dice
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