Games Workshop

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz - 3rd Edition - English

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  • Regular price £29.00

The Grots of the Moonclan are truly mad, years of living among and eating the "magic" mushrooms found in their underground lairs have driven them insane. Due to their inferior size, they rely heavily on overwhelming numbers to win any fight and are often seen herding grotesque Squigs.


Extensive background material on the Gloomspite Gitz, including their Gittish Kultures, worship of the Bad Moon, and their many varieties of squig
Malicious artwork depicting the grots, as well as their arachnoid allies, squig pets, and troggoth muscle
43 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for your grots, from swift Snarlfang Riders to massive Dankhold Troggoths and the cunning Squigboss
Rules for the five most infamous Gittish Hordes, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and battle traits like Under the Light of the Bad Moon and Beasts of the Loonlairs
Path to Glory campaign rules that send you exploring the Mortal Realms for mushrooms to make powerful new fungus brew, plus a new battleplan and eight warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
Matched play content, including four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion representing brutish troggherds
An inspirational gallery of Gloomspite Gitz miniatures, with painting guides to get your collection ready for the tabletop


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